Weekly Update, April 26th, 2024

Hi church,

Next Thursday, May 2nd is the National Day of Prayer. I invite you to gather with other churches in downtown Annapolis at 6:30pm. There will be people attending from our church. As I mentioned in the sermon last week, prayer should be our first resort, not our last resort. That holds true in our lives as well as our nation.

Men’s Ministry Cookout

Men, mark your calendars for May 17 from 5-8pm! More details to follow.

Parenting Class

Join us Sunday, June 9th as Pastor Bryan leads a discussion on pointing our children to becoming Christians as well as subsequent spiritual growth. We will cover some valuable biblical principles as well as helpful resources. The class will go from 6-7:30pm.

VBS Training Rally

There will be a VBS Training Rally for all volunteers on Saturday, May 11 from 11am – 1pm. Join us for a morning of training where we will go through church policies, schedules, curriculum, and get excited for all the amazing things the Lord will do at VBS 2024! A light lunch will be provided.

MomCo (formerly known as MOPS)

Weems Creek MomCo is building its 2024-2025 leadership team to begin in September! We need 6-8 women to help coordinate, plan, and organize meetings as well as 3-4 mentor moms and 6-8 childcare workers. MomCo will meet twice a month in the mornings from September through May. Please email Melissa Gardner (melissa@weemscreek.com ) by May 31st if you are interested in serving in one of these roles.

Vacation Bible School

Get ready for a week of adventure at Breaker Rock Beach! This year kids will be challenged to recognize the difference between the lies (or half-truths) of culture and God’s unchanging truth. They will discover that God’s truth never changes, everyone needs Jesus, and they will learn to speak the truth in love. They will learn about God’s rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands. Adventure awaits each day!

Classes will be available for Pre-K 4’s through 6th grade students (based on the year just completed). Nursery through 3-year-old classes will be available for volunteers’ children only.

Please register your children at weemscreek.com/vbs2024 or in the atrium on Sunday.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Bryan

Bryan Sims