Weekly Update, April 19th, 2024

Hi church,

Tomorrow is our annual Church Workday from 9am-noon! It is an important time to clean and organize our property. We want our church to be an ordered and inviting place for both visitors and regular attenders. We have a variety of tasks available. Even if you cannot make it for the entire time, any service would be greatly appreciated! Lunch will be provided. Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

Women’s Retreat – It’s almost here!

Registration and payment are due by next Friday, April 26! You don’t want to miss out! Can’t go for the entire event? That’s okay! Indicate on your registration when you will be there – Friday thru Saturday, Friday and Saturday (but not overnight), just Friday night, or just Saturday morning. Registration is required for all attendees.

Our retreat will be at Camp Wabanna, in Edgewater, Friday evening, May 3rd to Saturday afternoon, May 4th. Our theme this year is, “How Do You Spell Joy? ABIDE in Christ.” Experience good food, fun, fellowship, and relaxation (there will be no dishes to wash or laundry to fold!). Sign up in the Church Center app, on the website (www.weemscreek.com/women) or at the Connect Center. Cost is $60 per attendant. You can pay online (www.weemscreek.com/give) or through the offering, just be sure to indicate it is for the retreat. All ladies in high school and older are invited!

Toronto Mission Trip

As of now, we have 4 people committed to the trip. The mission agency (Send Relief) requests there be at least 5 people on the trip. We will be going July 20-26. If you want to participate, we need a firm commitment by this Sunday, April 21st. Additional information is available at the Connect Center.

Men’s Ministry Cookout

Men, mark your calendars for May 17 from 5-8pm! More details to follow.

Parenting Class

Join us Sunday, June 9th as Pastor Bryan leads a discussion on pointing our children to becoming Christians as well as subsequent spiritual growth. We will cover some valuable biblical principles as well as helpful resources. The class will go from 6-7:30pm.

VBS Training Rally

There will be a VBS Training Rally for all volunteers on Saturday, May 11 from 11am – 1pm. All volunteers will receive a separate email with details.

Thank you

The Robins, Mewshaw, and Dressler families appreciated all those who shared sympathies, condolences, prayers, hugs, and squeezes recently. It made the sorrow associated with Betty's loss more bearable.

See you Sunday!

Bryan Sims