Weekly Update, April 12th, 2024

Hi church,

The last verse of the last Psalm says, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord" (Psalm 150:6)! All of creation is called to praise the Lord, our Creator and Sustainer. It is a great joy and privilege to praise God – his name, attributes, and giver of salvation. We will have a time of praise and worship this Sunday night around the church fire pit. Before then, we will enjoy some games and s'mores, starting at 6pm. Bring a chair or blanket and join us!

Business Meeting

We will have a business meeting on Wednesday, April 17 at 6pm in the worship center. We will review financial reports and personnel policies, as well as vote on funds for a new roof.

Church Workday

On April 20 from 9am-12pm, we will spruce up the landscape, clean, and make repairs. There are inside and outside tasks. God wants us to be good stewards of his property and you’ll have the opportunity to connect with others while taking care of these much needed tasks. Lunch will be provided!

Men’s Ministry Cookout

Men, mark your calendars for May 17 from 5-8pm! More details to follow.

Women’s Retreat

Ladies, join us! Our Women’s Ministry annual retreat will be at Camp Wabanna, in Edgewater, Friday evening, May 3rd to Saturday afternoon, May 4th. Our theme this year is, “How Do You Spell Joy? ABIDE in Christ.” Experience good food, fun, fellowship, and relaxation (there will be no dishes to wash or laundry to fold!). Sign up in the Church Center app, on the website (www.weemscreek.com/women) or at the Connect Center. Cost is $60 per attendant. You can pay online (www.weemscreek.com/give) or through the offering, just be sure to indicate it is for the retreat. All ladies in high school and older are invited!

SonShiners Movie

The SonShiners will be watching the movie, The Case for Christ based on the book by Lee Strobel on April 18 at 1pm in the Multipurpose Room. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Please sign up at the Connect Center.

Bible Promises Book

For those who signed up for the Bible Promises book, they will be available at the Connect Center on Sunday. The cost of the book is $7.

See you Sunday!

Bryan Sims