Weekly Update, May 3rd, 2024

Hi church,

Hope you are enjoying the fabulous spring weather! I wanted to alert you to our church membership class we are offering on May 19th immediately after service. This class is an excellent way to gain a closer look at the church's beliefs, mission, and opportunities of service and help you decide whether to pursue membership. A light lunch is provided and childcare, if needed. I would love for you to attend. Please sign up at the Connect Center so we know how many to prepare for.

Parenting Class

Join us Sunday, June 9th as Pastor Bryan leads a discussion on pointing our children to becoming Christians as well as subsequent spiritual growth. We will cover some valuable biblical principles as well as helpful resources. The class will go from 6-7:30pm.

SonShiners to National Arboretum

The SonShiners (55+) will be touring the National Arboretum (free) on Thur. May 16. Please meet at the church at 9am to ride the minibus or to follow. The bus will leave at 9:15am. After the tour, they will eat lunch at Glory Days in Edgewater at 1pm. Everyone will pay for their own lunch. Please sign up at the Connect Center, even if you are only meeting for lunch. Sarina has reserved a special room.

MomCo (formerly known as MOPS)

Weems Creek MomCo is building its 2024-2025 leadership team to begin in September! We need 6-8 women to help coordinate, plan, and organize meetings as well as 3-4 mentor moms and 6-8 childcare workers. MomCo will meet twice a month in the mornings from September through May. Please email Melissa Gardner (melissa@weemscreek.com ) by May 31st if you are interested in serving in one of these roles.

Vacation Bible School – please register!

VBS preparations are in full swing, and we need to know how many will be attending so that we are well prepared. If you have not registered, please do so using this link weemscreek.com/vbs2024 or you can register at the VBS table in the atrium after the service on Sunday. All volunteers and participants need to register. Classes will be available for Pre-K 4’s through 6th grade students (based on the year just completed). Nursery through 3-year-old classes will be available for volunteers’ children only.

Business Meeting

Our next business meeting will be Wednesday, May 15 at 6pm. We will vote in new members, review financial reports, and hear ministry updates.

Prayer for Revival

Join us at 11am on Thursday, May 9th as we pray for an hour, asking God to bring true Biblical renewal to our church, community, and country.


Bring your latest craft project and hang out with other crafters. We will meet on Tuesday, May 14 at 6:30pm. Instructions and supplies will be provided for anyone wanting to learn how to knit.

Toronto Mission Trip

The Toronto mission trip was cancelled because unfortunately, we did not meet the 5 person minimum.


Pastor Bryan

Bryan Sims