Weekly Update, March 15th, 2024

Hi church,

This Sunday will be a Meet & Greet. Be sure to pick up your name badge on the way in! This is a great way to connect faces with names. Be sure to introduce yourself to someone you don’t know.

Toronto, Canada Mission Trip

Our church is sending a team to Toronto, Canada this summer (July 20-26). We still have openings for the trip to an area where the gospel is desperately needed! If you are interested in learning more about the trip, please attend a meeting after church on March 24 in the multipurpose room.

Women’s Retreat

Ladies, join us! Our Women’s Ministry annual retreat will be at Camp Wabanna, in Edgewater, Friday evening, May 3rd to Saturday afternoon, May 4th. Our theme this year is, “How Do You Spell Joy? ABIDE in Christ.” Experience good food, fun, fellowship, and relaxation (there will be no dishes to wash or laundry to fold!). Sign up in the Church Center app, on the website (www.weemscreek.com/women) or at the Connect Center. Cost is $60 per attendant. You can pay online (www.weemscreek.com/give) or through the offering, just be sure to indicate it is for the retreat. All ladies in high school and older are invited!

Easter Egg Hunt

The Weems Creek Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, March 23rd from 1-3pm on the hill behind the church! There will be egg hunts for different age groups, crafts, snacks, outdoor games, and the Easter Story. Invite your friends & neighbors to join us! If you are able to volunteer for this event, please email Melissa Gardner at melissa@weemscreek.com. We need a team to set up, tear down, and help during the event.

Young Adults Game Night

If you are between 18 and mid 30’s, join us for games, snacks and just hanging out! We’ll meet in the Student Room on Saturday, March 23rd from 6-9pm. You don’t need to bring anything unless you want to bring a game. Please sign up in the Church Center app (https://registrations.planningcenteronline.com/signups/2213010) or at the Connect Center.

SonShiners Luncheon

The SonShiners (55 ) will be enjoying a baked potato bar, salad, and dessert for lunch on Thursday, March 21, 12pm at church. All food will be provided. Please bring a favorite potato topping to share. Sign up at the Connect Center.

Upcoming Easter Services

Good Friday Service – March 29, 6:30pm

Easter Service – March 31, 9:30am & 11am (childcare provided at both services, no Sunday School)

See you Sunday!

Bryan Sims