Weekly Update - December 22nd, 2023

Hi church,

As we come up on a new year, it is a great time to look back on the past year and thank God for his abundant kindness and blessings! Also, it is a time to ask ourselves how we can spiritually grow in the new year. An essential part of the Christian life is gathering regularly with other Christians, both in corporate worship and in smaller settings where we get an opportunity to learn from and pray for each other. If you have not done so, let me encourage you to connect with a Sunday school class or a Wednesday night Bible study.

Thank You!

As a staff, we want to thank you for the very generous love offering. It is a joy and honor to serve such a supportive church. We look forward to 2024 as we seek to advance the gospel in the Annapolis area and beyond!

New Wednesday Night Bible Studies begin Jan. 3, from 6:30-8pm.

  • The men’s group will be studying Colossians, led by Clarence Klakring in room 106.

  • The mixed adults will be using the study Is God Really in Control? by Jerry Bridges ($10), led by Pastor Bryan in room 102. Tragedies occur every day around the world and in our own lives. This study offers comfort and hope by exploring the greater purposes and character of God.

  • The women’s class will be working through the study Better by Jenn Wilkin (additional information below) led by Sarina Lynham in room 111.

Please sign up for the classes at the Connect Center or in the Church Center app.

Women’s Bible Study

The next women’s Bible study will begin the first week of January and is titled Better by Jen Wilkin. In this 10-week session, verse-by-verse study of Hebrews, Jen explores how God “provided something better for us” in the person of Jesus Christ. This class will be offered on three different days – Tuesdays (10-11:30am), Wednesdays (6:30-8pm) and Saturday (9:30am-11am). The cost of the book is $10. Please sign up in the Church Center App or at the Connect Center.

Christmas Eve Schedule

There will be no Sunday School/Bible Study on Christmas Eve. Please join us at 11am for the worship service.

At 6pm, we will have a traditional candlelight service. This is always a special time.

Year-end Contributions and Offering Envelopes

Contributions must be received or postmarked by Dec. 31 to be applied to your 2023 giving statement. Thank you for you faithful giving this year!

Offering envelopes for 2024 will be available at the Connect Center on Sunday. If you are physically donating, you are encouraged to use the envelopes as they assist in accurate record keeping.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Bryan

Bryan Sims