Weekly Update, January 10th, 2025

Hi church,

We have a lot going on at Weems Creek. Be sure to mark your calendars!


MomCo is returning for the spring semester on Wednesday, January 29th! If you are a mom in those early years of parenting when the days are long and it takes a village, we would love to have you join us at MomCo. During a MomCo meeting you can enjoy breakfast and coffee/tea while it’s still hot, conversation with other moms, devotion time, crafts, guest speakers, and enjoy two tantrum-free hours while your infants/preschoolers are lovingly cared for by our childcare team. Invite your mom friends! We still have 6-8 spots available for the spring semester! We meet from 9:30-11:30am. You can learn more at weemscreek.com/momco or register online or in our Church App.

Kids and Student Ministry Volunteers

Please save the date for our annual training and policy review on Saturday, January 25th from 9-10:30am! This is a time to review our existing policies and go over some important updates for the new year. We kindly ask that if you are serving in ministry with our kids or youth in any capacity that you make it a priority to be there! Breakfast will be provided. Please email Melissa at melissa@weemscreek.com if you have any questions.

New Deacons

The deacons would like to nominate 3 new candidates to serve as deacons: Matt Kasap, Stephen Goldman, and Kurt Sefton. If you have any concerns or questions, please speak with Pastor Bryan.

SonShiners Planning Meeting

The SonShiners (55 ) will be getting together on Thursday, Jan. 16 at noon to plan activities for this year. Pizza, drinks and dessert will be provided by the church. All you need to do is signup at the Connect Center and bring your ideas!

Social Media

If you use Facebook or Instagram, be sure to like and follow our pages. Interacting with our pages helps us get more exposure in the community. Find us on Facebook by searching Weems Creek Church and on Instagram @weemscreekchurch.

Save the Dates!

2/15 – Widow’s Walk Luncheon

3/14-15 – Women’s Retreat

3/28-29 – Men’s Retreat

4/5 – Easter Egg Hunt

4/26 – VBS Clinic @ Weems Creek

6/22-26 – Vacation Bible School

7/14-18 – CentriKid

7/14-19 - Fuge


Pastor Bryan

Bryan Sims