Weekly Update, December 1st, 2023

Hi church,

This Sunday we will begin the Lottie Moon offering emphasis. One hundred percent of this offering enables gospel transformation among the unreached. Our church goal is $20,000.

As a church, we must obey the Great Commission of Jesus where he commands us to make disciples of all nations. “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

Christmas Caroling

What better way to celebrate the birth of our Savior than singing songs of joy all throughout Annapolis? Please join us this Sunday at 6pm for a night of church fellowship and fun as we carol throughout Annapolis, spreading the joy of Jesus’ birth and inviting people to our Christmas Eve Service! Once we are finished caroling, we will all gather back together at the church for a time of fellowship with cookies and cocoa!

Advent Devotions

As the Advent season approaches, we would like to offer a free family Advent devotion book called “The Way to the Manger” by Abbey & Jeff Land to each of our families with children in preschool through 5th grade. Please stop by the Child Check-in Desk to pick up your family’s copy! We hope this blesses your family during this busy Advent season and also helps establish the habit of family devotion time!

For everyone else, we are offering a free Advent devotional called “The Joy of Christmas” by John Piper. Those will be available at the Connect Center.

Business Meeting

Our next business meeting will be Wednesday, Dec. 13 at 6pm. We will vote on the proposed budget for 2024 and review financial reports. Copies of the proposed budget are available at the Connect Center.

Women’s Ministry Cookies & Cocoa

Make plans to join the women of Weems Creek for Cookies and Cocoa, a holiday fellowship on Saturday, Dec. 9, 2-4 p.m. Bring a dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies to share and enjoy the favorites from your sisters! Please sign up at this link: Cookies & Cocoa, in the Church Center App or at the Connect Center. Also, submit a copy of your favorite Christmas cookie recipe PRIOR to the event. You can drop it off at the Connect Center or send an email with your recipe to Jenny Francis, jcheston.francis@gmail.com. Some of the ladies will be creating a Cookie Cookbook to be given out at the event.

Christmas Program

On Dec. 17th at 6pm we will have a Coffee House style Christmas program for the whole family in the multipurpose room with a fellowship to follow. Please bring a finger food snack to share.

SonShiners Christmas Party

Those 55 and older are invited to join us for sing-along Christmas carols, white elephant gift exchange, and a pot-luck luncheon on Thursday, Dec. 14 at noon. The church will provide a ham. Please bring a gag type gift for the white elephant gift exchange. This is always a highlight of the event! Sign up at the Connect Center.

Prayer for Revival

We will meet on 12/14 at 11am and pray for God to bring true revival. We meet in room 112.

Candlelight Service

Join us at 6pm for a traditional candlelight service. This is always a special time.

Bryan Sims