Weekly Update - November 17th, 2023

Hi church,

Hope you are enjoying the nice Fall weather. With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, I wanted to say "thank you" for your faithfulness in advancing the kingdom of God, whether it is packing OCC boxes, teaching a Sunday school class, AWANA, giving financially, praying, and the MANY other ways you serve the Lord. It is an honor to serve with you! I hope you enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Psalm 106:1 - Praise the Lord! Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!

Children’s Choir

We will once again have the children sing during our Christmas Coffee House this year! We will practice on Sundays, after service from 12:15-12:30pm in the multipurpose room and then perform our song on Sunday evening December 17th. If your child loves to sing and is interested in participating, please join us for our first rehearsal this Sunday. Email Melissa Gardner at melissa@weemscreek.com if you have any questions!

Christmas Decorating

Tracie Link will be overseeing the Christmas decorations this year and will be decorating next Sunday after the service. Many hands make light work! If you are interested in helping, please sign up at the Connect Center, as we will be providing lunch.

Women’s Ministry Cookies & Cocoa

Make plans to join the women of Weems Creek for Cookies and Cocoa, a holiday fellowship on Saturday, Dec. 9, 2-4 p.m. Bring a dozen of your favorite Christmas cookies to share and enjoy the favorites from your sisters! Please sign up at this link: Cookies & Cocoa, in the Church Center App or at the Connect Center. Also, submit a copy of your favorite Christmas cookie recipe PRIOR to the event. You can drop it off at the Connect Center or send an email with your recipe to Jenny Francis, jcheston.francis@gmail.com. Some of the ladies will be creating a Cookie Cookbook to be given out at the event.

Christmas Caroling

What better way to celebrate the birth of our Savior than singing songs of joy all throughout Annapolis? Please join us on Dec. 3 at 6pm for a night of church fellowship and fun as we carol throughout Annapolis, spreading the joy of Jesus’ birth and inviting people to our Christmas Eve Service! Once we are done caroling, we will all gather back together at the church for a time of fellowship with cookies and cocoa! Please sign up at the Connect Center.

There will be no Wednesday night activities this week due to Thanksgiving.

  • Christmas Program – Dec. 17, 6pm
  • Candlelight Service – Dec. 24, 6pm

Lost and Found

Our Lost and Found box is overflowing! There are numerous water bottles, coffee mugs, jackets, glasses, toys, and jewelry. Please stop by the Connect Center and look through the box.

What is The Gospel? Book

If you ordered a book, they will be available for pick up at the Connect Center.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Bryan

Bryan Sims