Weekly Update, February 21, 2025
Hi Church,
As part of our Sunday service, we will ordain 3 new deacons -- Stephen Goldman, Matt Kasap, and Kurt Sefton. We are excited for their service and impact at our church! Please pray for them as they assume these new roles. Also, we will continue our series on the Gospel of John. If you can, I encourage you to read John 13 ahead of time and have those words fresh in your mind.
VBS Recruitment
Come BEE a volunteer at Magnified! VBS 2025 where we will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!
VBS is June 22-26 (Sunday-Thursday) from 6-8:30pm. We need teachers and assistant teachers; leaders and workers for snacks, recreation, crafts, missions; help with set design/decorations and registration. There’s a place for everyone! Sign up at the Volunteer Registration Table in the atrium!
Women’s Retreat
Have you ever thought, "How do I spend time on my prayers when I am distracted with so much to do" or "How do I pray for longer than a couple minutes?" or "Why should I ask God for anything again when I have done it before, and it hasn't worked?" Many of us have thought the same things before. To get practical answers to these questions, join us for our Annual Women's Retreat, March 14-15, at Camp Wabanna. This year, our focus will be on "A Praying Life". Our speaker, Julie Courtney from SeeJesus Ministries, will help us look at Jesus' powerful yet simple teachings on prayer. We will learn to pattern our prayers on Jesus' style of prayer. We will learn to ask our Father for anything, and then to wait with our eyes wide open to the story He is creating in our lives.
Retreat registration is $60 and is open to all women, 9th grade and up. Register now in the church app, at the Connect Center, or by using this link: Women's Retreat
New Members Class
You are invited to join us for a New Members class on Sunday, March 9th at 12:15pm. This class is an excellent way to gain a closer look at the church's beliefs, mission, and opportunities of service and help you decide whether to pursue membership. I would love for you to attend. This in an informational meeting; there is no commitment to membership. A light lunch is provided and childcare, if needed. Please sign up at the Connect Center, in the church app, or using this link: New Members Class
Men’s Retreat
Leadership is absolutely essential to life and to advance the kingdom of God. Simply put, God has designed our world in such a way that leadership plays a huge role! Also, leadership is something that each person will have an opportunity to display so we should seek to cultivate our own passion and skills for leadership. At our men's retreat, Mark Dooley will be speaking about leadership. Mark served as a pastor for many years and now serves as the Associate Executive Director for the Baptist Convention of Maryland and Delaware.
The Men’s Retreat will be March 28-29 at Camp Wabanna in Edgewater, MD. Retreat registration is $60 and is open to all men, 9th grade and up. Please sign up at the Connect Center, in the church app, or by using this link: Men's Retreat
New Women’s Bible Study
Ladies, have you ever wondered why Paul wrote to believers at the Corinthian church, "For Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed." (1 Cor. 5:7). We know Jesus is the Lamb of God, but how is He our Passover Lamb? Isn't Passover only for the Jews? And why did He have to die? Also, why does the Bible talk so much about His blood? Why is His blood important?
Remember Me is a Bible study which focuses on and uncovers deep meaning in the Passover of the Bible. By studying the teachings God gave through the first Passover (His freeing of the Jews from Egypt), we come to understand more fully the amazing sacrifice given for us through the blood of our Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ. By learning about each of God's instructions to the Israelites concerning the Passover meal, we come to understand the full meaning of our church ordinance, Communion. It is the same story; only now the final chapter has been completed, and God wants us to know and understand. And then he wants us to remember. Join us Tuesday mornings, Wednesday nights (with childcare) or Saturday mornings for this study that will help us understand our Lamb of God. Study begins the week of March 11. Please sign up at the Connect Center or in the church app.
VBS Clinic Hosted by the BCMD at Weems Creek
Magnify Your VBS: Preview & Training Event with BCMD – Get ready to MAGNIFY your Vacation Bible School experience this year! Join us for an inspiring event where we’ll unveil the VBS content, explore creative ways to bring the theme to life, and provide training to equip you for success. Get a sneak peek at this year’s curriculum and dive into the theme designed to engage and excite kids. Participate in hands-on training to sharpen your skills and bring out the best in your VBS planning. Network with other ministry leaders and volunteers, share ideas, and be encouraged as you prepare to impact the next generation. Let’s MAGNIFY God’s love and truth together through VBS in 2025 – don’t miss out!
April 26, 9am-12pm at Weems Creek Church. Use the code “HOSTCHURCH” to waive the registration fee. Register here: https://bcmd.org/event/magnify-your-vbs-preview-training/2025-03-15/
Pastor Bryan