Weekly Update - October 20th, 2023

This past Sunday I gave an update on the search for the new Associate Pastor. In case you missed it, here is the relevant information.

  • We completed our job postings around mid July so we have been searching about 3 months
  • We posted on 20 different sites including seminaries, Baptist conventions, our main denomination website, and the Gospel Coalition
  • I’ve been serving as the initial filter for resumes. Promising candidates I would follow-up with.
  • We have received 34 resumes and are actively engaged with 4 candidates. 2 candidates are in the interview phase and 2 are in the questionnaire phase (one dropped out since Sunday). I am really encouraged by the quality of the candidates!
  • We will continue to receive resumes until we hire a candidate
  • To clarify, this new role is unrelated to Pastor BJ's position who is retiring at the end of October. All along the plan was to hire a full-time associate pastor whose responsibilities differ from BJ.

Please continue to pray for the search team and God's will to be done. We will keep you posted.

New Members Class

If you are interested in learning more about Weems Creek Church, please join us this Sunday at 12:30pm for this informational meeting. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the church – its beliefs, vision, and ministries – as well as interact with the pastor and other prospective members. Lunch and childcare will be provided. If you plan to attend, please email office@weemscreek.com and let us know you are coming.

Veterans Day Video

We are updating our video tribute to the service men and women of our church. If you serve or have served in the military, please email a photo (in uniform, if possible) to Sandy McCarthy (sandygramms@gmail.com) by Sunday, Oct. 29th.

Luncheon for Pastor B.J. Hallmark

Please join us on Sunday, November 12th for a pot-luck luncheon to thank Pastor B.J. for his faithful service to our church. He has truly blessed our church with his love for God and his people. The luncheon will be held after Sunday service in the multi-purpose room. The church will provide the main dishes. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

Clothing Drive

We will hold a free clothing drive on Saturday, Oct. 28th from 10am-12pm as an outreach to the community. Gently used clothes and shoes should be brought in by this Sunday and placed on the stage in the multipurpose room. If you can help sort and tag items (10/23 from 10am-12pm and 10/27 at 4:30pm) or be here for the day of the event, please sign up at the Connect Center.


Moms of babies through kindergarten are welcome to join us for breakfast, hot coffee, a devotion, craft, and fellowship time this coming Friday, Oct. 27, from 9:30-11am. Childcare will be provided.


Viewing Party – New Date! The SonShiners will watch the Sight & Sound production of Samson on Oct. 26 from 1-3pm in the multipurpose room. Please sign up at the Connect Center.

National Christian Choir Christmas Concert – Nov. 18 in Frederick, MD. Tickets are $25/person and you must sign up by Nov. 5th (all tickets are non-refundable). We will eat at the Golden Corral after the show. Please sign up at the Connect Center. Checks may be made out to Weems Creek Church with “SonShiners” in the memo line.

Looking Ahead – Mark your calendars!

  • Nov. 11 – SonShiners and Students will celebrate Friendsgiving together, 2-4pm

  • Nov. 14 – Women’s Ministry Creativity Workshop, 6:30-8pm

  • Dec. 3 – Christmas Caroling

  • Dec. 9 – Women’s Ministry Cookies & Cocoa, 2-4pm

  • Dec. 17 – Christmas Program

  • Dec. 24 – Candlelight Service, 6pm

See you Sunday!

Pastor Bryan

Bryan Sims