Serve at Weems Creek

Serving at Weems Creek with other volunteers is a great way to make new friends and connect you with different people while using your talents and gifts God has specifically given you.  As a church, we hope that all of our people Worship, Connect, and Serve.  We further believe that service is an act of worship and will lead to greater worship of our great and merciful God, repeating this cycle of spiritual fulfillment over and over again.  Check out the buttons to the right for more information on particular service ministries at Weems Creek.

Sign up to serve with MOPS

Moms come to Weems Creek for a time of community with other moms, encouragement, and a listening ear and hope from moms who have been in their shoes before. With such a huge number of moms who come, we also have a huge number of kids! So to keep growing this fantastic ministry, we need childcare workers! If you would like to serve the Lord and make it possible for more young moms to meet and grow in their faith and life, click the button below. We're just asking for a one time commitment but feel free to serve more!