Train yourself. Equip your kids.

Learn how to raise kids who think critically, love biblically, and stand firm against the cultural tide. In this two day conference, guest speaker of Mama Bear Apologetics Amy Davison will offer biblical wisdom and practical steps to teaching kids how to think through and address issues head-on, yet with gentleness and respect.

Our mission is to equip parents to teach their children an intelligent Christian faith that withstands the tough questions and storms of the world. Using the unique ROAR method—Recognize the message, Offer discernment, Argue for a healthier approach, Reinforce through discussion, discipleship, and prayer—attendees will learn to navigate and counter the cultural challenges their children face.

The Parenting Conference, Raising Warriors in Today's Battlefield, will be held at Weems Creek on October 25th - 26th.


Guests and Speakers


Amy Davison

Podcast Co-Host / Contributing Blog Author

Amy Davison joined the Mama Bear team in 2019, after graduating with her master’s in Apologetics from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2018. Since joining Mama Bear, Amy has taken an active role in writing about sexual ethics and God’s purpose for sexuality, along with serving as co-host on our Mama Bear podcast. She also contributed to the Mama Bear Apologetics Guide to Sexuality. Amy and her husband, Mike, are both Air Force veterans and have a heart for helping parents and kids love God with their minds. Together, they are raising three boys and a little girl in Texas in a little house overflowing with noise and fun. When she isn’t doing Mama Bear things, Amy enjoys staying up late reading and visiting antique stores, and she has a general weakness for comedies and Earl Grey tea.




Friday October 25th

6:30pm In-person registration begins

7-8:30pm Opening Session 1: Raising Warriors: Preparing Kids for Apologetic Engagement

Saturday October 26th

9-10:15am Session 2: The New Battlefield

10:15-10:45am Break (light continental breakfast, coffee, tea, and water is provided)

10:45-12pm Session 3: Q & A with Amy Davison


Why Apologetics


Today’s culture often pushes a worldview contrary to the Christian faith, leading many young people to leave the church. Apologetics provides the necessary defenses for these challenges, ensuring that your children don’t just inherit your faith—they own it. This conference is particularly vital for all mothers, whether of physical, adopted, or spiritual children.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The conference is in-person only. We will not livestream any of the sessions.

  • To make the most of the conference, we recommend bringing a Bible, a notebook, and perhaps a sweater in case the room temperature is cooler than expected.

  • Childcare services are not available, however, a nursing room will be accessible for nursing mothers.

  • We will provide a light continental breakfast on Saturday. Attendees should plan to have dinner before arriving on Friday. Refreshments will be available both Friday evening and Saturday morning.

  • Registration is $10.00 per person.

  • Yes, there will be a Mama Bear Apologetics resource table with books available for purchase.